Youth Ministry at COS

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Living, learning, and serving in the leadership of Christ

“Jesus told him “I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one can come to the Father except through me.”  John 14:6

We strive each day to live, learn and serve as Christ would want us to. COS Youth is an open group for grades 6 through 12, in which we learn to live a life blessed in the glory of Christ.


Living life blessed should be the normal for all of God’s people.  We show this by the type of activities we do and how we choose to incorporate those in our lives. The youth group sometimes chooses activities throughout the year that are fun, just for fun. Some of those activities include roller skating, corn maze, cook outs and interaction with other organizations.  “…. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”  John 10:10


We should all take time to learn how Christ wants us to live. This is part of what COS Youth is about.  Striving to learn, and recognize, more about Christ in our daily lives. “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock” Matt 7:24. As a youth group we strive to learn what Christ teaches us in everyday life – choosing activities like guided nature hikes, trips (Creation Museum), national youth gatherings and being active at church.


Servant leadership, living a way pleasing to God.  “… Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave.” Matt 20:26-27.  Serving others is core. COS Youth do this by a variety of activities and groups we associate with. Fundraising is one area in which we serve and raise money to afford trips and activities at little to no cost for our Youth. Fundraising is also considered a service to the church community and helps spread the word of Christ to others who may not know the compassion of our Christian community.  We participate in activities like VBS volunteering, Christmas program organization, help serve after- church refreshments, annual  Pancake Easter Breakfast, Humane Society volunteering, Valentine Dance and many other activities.

COS Youth offers great opportunities for youth to be active in Christ throughout the year and welcomes all youth who wish to attend. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend meetings and activities, but reminded it is a YOUTH organization.


life book


After a successful youth gathering in San Antonio (July 2013), the youth attended National Youth Gathering in New Orleans during July, 2016 and plans are underway to attend the 2019 Youth Gathering in Minnesota.

During the five days of the Gathering, youth spend time together in God’s word, worship, service, and fellowship with others from across the synod. This event is organized by LCMS Youth Ministry of Saint Louis, MO. Registration for the 2019 LCMS Youth Gathering will open in the fall of 2018.